"Some authorities recommend that an athlete should be able to half squat at least 1.5 times their body weight before undergoing a plyometric program, but other claim this may be excessive." -- I contend that one should be able to full squat 1.5 times their body weight, regardless of whether they are doing "plyo" training. Let's just put that into perspective - for a male of 185 pounds, 150% puts the load at 277 lbs. That is not a bad number to shoot for in considering a squat to full depth. And considering one can half squat a lot more than they can full squat (or quarter squat, haha), asking someone to be able to half squat 1.5 x BW is not excessive. Finally, even though I scoff at half squats, when put into context of plyo exercises, one doesn't squat to full depth anyhow, because you lose the stretch. Reaper 19:12, 6 March 2009 (UTC)