Founded by Coach Greg Glassman in 2001 in Santa Cruz, California. CrossFit focuses on athletic fitness; taking pieces of endurance, strength and speed training while not specializing in any of them. CrossFit is one of the fastest growing exercise phenomenons in the world[1].
CrossFit uses an eclectic mixture of calisthenics, plyometrics, free weights, kettlebells, gymnastics rings, pull-up bars and many unorthodox exercises (tire flipping, sledgehammer swings) to accomplish their mission. The most common training type utilized is circuit training. The daily workouts, called WODs (Workout of the Day), are posted on their website. CrossFit believes in higher standards of performance, as evidenced by their striving toward virtuosity.
What is CrossFit?
What is CrossFit?
CrossFit was created by Greg Glassman, a former gymnast, in the 1970's.
Sample Workout[]
Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
CrossFit Journal[]
The CrossFit Journal is a digital monthly publication with a focus on functional fitness.
CrossFit Radio[]
CrossFit Radio is a constantly varied, functional radio show about CrossFit, it's people, and health in general - done at high intensity! It is spearheaded by Neil Anderson.
CrossFit Certification[]
There are two levels of CrossFit Certification: Levels 1 (Fundamentals), 2 (Virtuosity).
- Level 1: an Introductory course on CrossFit's methods, concepts, and movements.
- Level 2: for those interested in advancing their training skills by demonstrating, and being evaluated on, their ability to teach CrossFit concepts and movements to others. Prerequisite: must have successfully completed the Level 1 Certification.
In addition to the two CrossFit certifications, CrossFit also offers several specialty certification, which do not have prerequisites:
- Barbell Certification - two days learning, studying and practicing the Squat, Press, Bench Press, Deadlift and Power Clean. Presented by CrossFit Coach Mark Rippetoe and his staff.
- Gymnastics Certification - two days learning, practicing, and applying the basic elements of gymnastics. Presented by Coach Jeff R. Tucker and his staff of coaches from CrossFit GSX.
- Kettlebell Certification - learn to teach kettlebell exercises, quickly detect and correct common errors, and safely conduct kettlebell training. Presented by Jeff Martone, owner of Tactical Athlete Training Systems.
- CrossFit Kids Certification - learn child specific cues for the primary CrossFit movements, scaling for kids of all ages and abilities, progressions that address the specific needs of children and teens and engaging, kid-friendly drills. Presented by Coach Jeff Martin, Mikki Martin and the CrossFit Kids HQ staff.
- Olympic Lifting Certification - two days learning, studying and practicing the Olympic lifts. Presented by CrossFit Coach Mike Burgener and staff.
- Running and Endurance Certification - learn that running is a technical skill, how to apply it and get faster and more efficient with CrossFit. Presented by Brian MacKenzie and Carl Borg.
- Triathlon Certification - learn the basics of swimming, cycling, running & transitions technique. Presented by Brian MacKenzie and Michael Collins.
- Science of Exercise Certification - a unique group of scientists and fitness experts educated outside the conventional exercise science community provide two full days of lectures and discussion about science applied to improving fitness.
The CrossFit Games[]
The CrossFit Games are a grueling two-day competition in which the world's fittest athletes compete in a variety of workouts, which change each year. The details of the workouts are not announced until a couple days before the event. This means that all year long, the athletes are training for a competition whose format is almost completely a mystery.
The first ever CrossFit Games took place in 2007. The 2008 CrossFit Games took place in Aromas, California Saturday, July 05, 2008 - Sunday, July 06, 2008. The 2009 CrossFit Games are scheduled to take place July 10-12.
External Links[]
- CrossFit - the official CrossFit website.
- Us Crossfit Club - Beginner crossfit workouts
- CrossFit Message Board
- CrossFit Journal
- CrossFit Games
- CrossFit Radio
- Operation Phoenix
- Crossit's Foundations - An overview of the CrossFit methodology and philosophy.